Cheats for Pikmin 3 - Beat the boss
How to get more rubies easily
Wii Sports
Pikmin 3
Wii Sports Resorts
Pikmin 2
Mario Kart 8
Pikmin 3
By Trenton Yu
Console: Wii U
Rating: E 10+
July 29, 2014

Pikmin 3 is a fighting game in which you control 3 characters: Alph, Brittany, and Charlie. They are trying to save their planet Koppai from starvation. They come to PNF-404 to get fruit to save their planet. The problem is, the people of Koppai are tiny. Everything they see on PNF-404 is huge! How would they ever carry the fruit to their ship? Luckily, they find Pikmin.

Pikmin are tiny creatures that live on PNF-404. There are several different types of Pikmin. Red Pikmin, Yellow Pikmin, Blue Pikmin, Rock Pikmin and Winged Pikmin. These Pikmin have special abilities depending on their color, like how Red Pikmin can defend against fire.

Pikmin 3 is a fun game, but many creatures have forgetful names. Pikmin 3 can take a short time if you don't explore, but it's okay to wander around as long as you have enough juice to drink.

Rayman Ravings Rabbids
By Trenton Yu
Console: Wii
Rating: E
July 29, 2014

Rayman Raving Rabbids has many mini games unlike the other Rayman games that have been made before. It could've been a good game by making it a different character, but they did Rayman. Rayman has always been a platformer, so the difference is a new change. Other than that, Rayman Raving Rabbids is a pretty fun game.

In the game you have to save your friends from the Rabbids. They trap you, too. You play mini games, and they give you a reward for every time you succeed a certain number of them. You stack them up to get to a window to escape.

There are many mini games, but they are rather simple. You shake your Wii remote or press buttons repeatedly in some of the mini games.

Overall, Rayman is an okay game, but it can be made better.

Wii Sports
By Trenton Yu
Console: Wii
Rating: E
July 28, 2014

Wii Sports is a very basic and fun game that came with the Wii. It was made to show all the wondrous things the Wii could make. It did a very good job at that. You could play 5 different basic sports that are incredibly fun. Boxing, tennis, bowling, golfing, and baseball are the 5 different sports.

In boxing, you use both the Wii remote and the Nunchuk as boxing gloves. Though sometimes it senses wrong, boxing is a fun game.

In tennis, you swing your Wii remote as a tennis racket. You try to hit the tennis ball as it comes toward you. It is very basic, but it is fun and it senses which way you swing your remote correctly.

In bowling, you use your Wii remote as your hand. You simply take your remote back, then swing it forward. It can also sense how you twist your remote. If you twist your remote to the left, the bowling ball goes to the left. If you twist your remote to the right, the bowling ball goes right.

In golfing, you use your Wii remote as your hand. You simply swing your remote to hit the golf ball. You also have to think about wind, too. The wind may be blowing right, so you have to hit the ball slightly to the left.

In baseball, you swing your Wii remote to pitch or to hit. Holding buttons while you pitch will make them different types of pitches, such as a curveball. If you are the batter, you simply try to swing at the right place and time.

Wii Sports doesn't really have an end, but it is very fun. It did an incredible job at showing what an amazing console the Wii is.